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A day at Portcullis House

A great experience assisting Stephen Ware, a deaf Architectural Assistant, giving some key points about inclusivity problems for deaf people using buildings

Portcullis House is an office building that provides offices for 213 members of Parliament. Last Wednesday 23th November Deaf Umbrella was invited to the House of Commons Women and Equalities Committee by RIBA, the Royal Institute of British Architects, to assist Stephen Ware, a deaf Architectural Assistant, as representation of RIBA, who gave collective evidence in connection with the Committee´s inquiry into Disability & the built environment.

The Royal Institute of British Architects champions better buildings, stronger communities and higher environmental standards.

To create an inclusive design that works for everyone, they recommend that Government should:

1. Require local authorities to set up and maintain an Accessible Housing Register;

2. Provide funding for accessible affordable housing;

3. Make it easier to adopt the higher accessibility requirement in Building Regulations;

4. Incorporate the Nationally Described Space Standards into the Building Regulations;

5. Support efforts to develop a proper evidence-base for disabled and inclusive access in the built environment.

With government and the RIBA's partners, they will work to improve the design quality of public buildings, new homes and new communities.

You can see all the meeting of Disability and the Built Environment Inquiry at:

Here you will find the full interview to Stephen Ware:

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