I’ve seen the news, heard the stories of sugar free February but could you or me really pull it off? We all know the health benefits of removing sugar from our diets; insulin levels, blood sugar, fat storage, type 2 diabetes are all concerns. Some no sugar converts are reporting better skin, fewer wrinkles and no spots; great benefits, but can we do it?
I am guilty of eating Haribo sweets far too often, chocolate bars in bed reading and my fair share of cake – well its someone’s birthday somewhere!! I can give up the sugar in my coffee, I can pass the chocolate bars whilst in the queue to pay for my petrol but the bigger problem is the hidden sugar in foods.
I knew that sugar was in tomato ketchup but mayonnaise, yogurts, and bread?!
So, for a start I am going to get rid of the obvious stuff – added table sugar, bought cakes, biscuits and chocolate bars.
Ditch the processed food: white bread, jars of sauces and ready meals.
And, I’m going to hope that I am not too ratty or scatty and try and get as many of the team to join me – it will help! I’m not perfect, I know that, but I’m going to give it a go.
Shopping for the weekend:
Wholewheat Bread, brown rice & wholewheat pasta
Plenty of fresh vegetables and whole fibrous fruit
Plain yogurt, butter and whole milk
Plenty of herbs and spices
And the ability to take one day at a time, so, who’s in?
I will update you on progress soon sweeties. See what I did there?
Rachel x