Hit a wall? Suddenly you feel like Peter Pan without pixie dust?
We are recruiting CSW’s, TSLI, and Note takers for our 17th year of business. We don’t offer work nationwide, we don’t work in all domains but what we do, we do expertly.
Deaf Umbrella offer employment contracts to like-minded individuals who offer professional practice, commit to continued professional development and like being part of a strong loyal team. If you excel at working in education, job coaching or employability activities then we could be the darling you seek?! We particularly want to hear from you if you live in West and East London areas.
Take a look at who we are:
✅www.instagram.com/deafumbrella ✅www.twitter.com/deafumbrella ✅https://www.facebook.com/DeafUmbrella1/
Tel: 0333 700 7474 or email recruitment@deafumbrella.com for Application details.
Full time contracts and training included for September 2018 start.
Deaf Umbrella – London South East Language Service Professionals –
We’ve got you covered!
Don’t forget to check out our Community Interest Company – Winner of the Runners Up trophy at the London Business Awards 2016 – Best New Business.
We offer pre-employment training to deaf people in London South East:
Employment opportunities available; contact louise@deafumbrella.com

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