Last week we have called out the shocking statistic that one third of councils in England are planning a total of £4 million in cuts to services for deaf children. These cuts are pushing services for deaf children to breaking point.
The National Deaf Children’s Society have had widespread coverage in the media for their findings including the BBC, Guardian and The Times and had questions asked in the House of Commons.

The deaf children who get the right support in their education can do just as well as their hearing classmates, but the vast majority are still failing to reach their potential at all stages of their education.
NDCS are urging the Government to intervene in this funding crisis for deaf children’s services. But the Minister for Schools is refusing to step in.
Enough is enough!
We all need your help to urge the government to protect the services that deaf children rely on to be included in the classroom.
Here’s what you can do:
If you have any questions about the campaign, check out the campaigns blog or email the Campaigns team.
P.S. Although this action is about England you can get involved across the UK.
Thank you!